What is NBUVB Phototherapy?
Phototherapy involves using the UVA part of the ultraviolet rays from the Sun for treatment, which needs to be complemented by oral medication, and this treatment has a lot of side effects. Nbuvb Phototherapy is a treatment done using the UVB rays instead, which is standalone and with no side effects, so much so that even children and pregnant women can take it.
What does NBUVB Phototherapy do?
The patient is exposed to a calculated amount of UVB light for a specific amount of time. It suppresses the abnormal growth of cells along with the hyperimmune reaction of the body which causes Vitiligo (Leucoderma), Psoriasis and other conditions like Severe Pruritus (Itching), Lichen Planus, Alopecia Areata, Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema etc
Is NBUVB Phototherapy safe, painless and cost-effective?
Yes, it is totally safe and painless and very economical with no side effects. It is a nonsurgical treatment and with no need for any internal medicines.

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